Since December 2017 ANima Nova is on FAcebook

You will find our latest news at

15.10.2017   ANima Nova @ VSA Convention 2017

We will attend the 45th Annual Convention of the Violin Society of America in Arlington, VA as a vendor.  The convention will  take place 9 - 11 November 2017 at the Marriott Chrystal Gateway. We look forward to your visit.

20.09.2017   ANima Nova @ Cello Festival Rutesheim 2017

During the International Cello Festival in Rutesheim, Germany we will take part in the exhibition on 30 October 2017.  For details please visit

20.09.2017   ANima Nova @ Cremona Musica 2017

We will present Anima Nova at the upcoming  Cremona Musica in Italy. The exhibition will  take place 29 September - 1 Ocotber 2017. We look forward to your visit at booth B 72! Don't miss our live demonstration on Friday at 3.30 pm.

16.09.2017 Visit of the BVMA Conference in Oxford

Meet us at the annual conference of the BVMA. It's going to be a great weekend!

01.05.2017   ANima Nova @ ISB Convention 2017

We will present Anima Nova at the upcoming ISB Convention in Ithaca, NY, USA. The convention will  take place 5 - 10 June 2017. We look forward to your visit! If you are an interested US luthier, contact us, as we will stay in the US until June 28. If you attend the violin making, the violin restoration or the acoustics workshop in Oberlin, you can meet us there.

01.04.2017   Exhibiting at Lutherie 2017

Come see us at Lutherie 2017 in Newark, UK. Lutherie 2017 will take place on 29 April 2017. For details visit We look forward to your visit!

12.03.2017   Visit of the BVMA Makers' Day in London

At this year's BVMA Makers' Day in Kings Place, London, the Brodsky Quartet gave a concert on instruments specifically selected from some of those on display. The 1st violin selected an instrument with Anima Nova inside!

»The Soul of the String Instrument« (Article in German Language)

das Orchester, 12/2016

Artikel das Orchester: Die Seele des Streichinstruments
Quelle: das Orchester
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.4 MB

16.08.2016   Bass 2016 Prague

We will present Anima Nova at Bass 2016 in Prague. The congress will  take place 20. - 25.09.2016. We look forward to your visit!

01.08.2016   Anima Nova celebrates first anniversary

Anima Nova is available in the market for one year. We would like to thank all of our clients and our 26 luthier-partners in seven countries for their trust and good cooperation.

Double Gold Medal Winner!

Nuremberg, 31 October 2015

Anima Nova was awarded two gold medals at the International Trade Fair »Ideas – Inventions – New Products« (iENA 2015): The carbon sound post received iENA’s gold medal as well as the special price of the Union of Croatian Innovators (ARCA). We say »Thank you!«

Anima Nova Stimmstock im Instrument.

Photo: Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Infothek 

»Pal Molnar reinvents the sound post for violin and co.« (Article In German Language)

Badisches Tagblatt, 18.12.2015

Badisches Tagblatt: Pal Molnar erfindet neue Seele für Geige und Co.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.3 MB

»Rastatt’s director of music, Pal Molnar, surprises experts with his invention« (Article in GERMAN Language)

RAZ, Das Wochenmagazin für Rastatt, Ötigheim und Steinmauern, 15. Jan. 2015

RAZ-Artikel: Weltneuheit aus der Keller-Werkstatt – Pal Molnar erfindet den Stimmstock neu.
Source: Schauppel | PR
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.8 MB